Thursday, July 3, 2008

Buzz Cut



During Alex's baseball game on Saturday, he complained twice about how long his hair was and that he needed a haircut. Surprising since he wanted to keep it long. The problem was that he had to brush his hair every morning because it was sticking up all over. He would get knots because he just has sooo much hair. Anyway, he mentioned he wanted a buzz cut. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I don't like crew cuts. Would never think of giving my son a crew cut. But, my mind started wandering. Due to the high gas prices, we are trying to think of ways to cut back...well, I thought, maybe we could go buy a pair of clippers and do the hair cuts for the boys (Alex and Jimmy) at home. I could do it. No biggie. But could I really do it? Me, the freak about hair. See, my dad would not let me cut my hair when I was little. I had hair to my butt until I was in the 6th grade. Finally, he relented and I got the Farah Fawcett hair cut the day before 6th grade pictures. I have never been one to do anything drastic with my hair. I always play it safe. I even do the same for hair cuts with my kids. So, could I really do this? I dug deep and yep, I could do it. After all, I have to be seen with these two...I wouldn't make them look bad. So, Saturday night we ran to Wal-Mart and bought a pair of clippers. Jimmy wanted to do the hair cut but was working that night plus, I didn't trust him. This from the man who wants to go bald. I don't think so. Alex asked me to cut his hair the minute we got home. Ok, out came the directions. Seemed easy enough. We decided not to do a crew cut -- the same size all over but to do a buzz cut with 3 different sizes. All went off without a hitch. He likes it and I think I did a pretty good job for my first time using clippers and cutting hair. On Sunday, Jimmy saw Alex's results and decided it was good enough for him and that I could do his. What an honor!! ;) Jimmy indicated allowing me to cut his hair was sign of pure trust. So Jimmy got his buzz cut too.

I think this was a good investment! We also repeated over and over to Olivia that this was only for boys! We also put the clippers way up high on a shelf in the bathroom so little hands won't get to it. I can only imagine...

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