Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Headache or Jimmy Legs

Recently, I have been having trouble with sinus headaches. For me, these radiate from behind one of my eyes usually. Lots of pressure. If I could poke my eye out when I get one of these, I would. I don't know what's so different this season because I have actually been doing very well with not having as many headaches and then within the last few months, they have been pretty constant. I have always been a headache sufferer and unfortunately, it's hereditary and even more unfortunately, Alex gets them too.

So as I was giving the kids their baths last night, I got a blinding sinus headache. I usually try and stay clear from any kind of sudafed late at night because of what it does to me (I'll explain in a minute) and opted to have a little relief instead. So, I took my Aleve Sinus (which contains the ingredient found in sudafed) and 3 Motrin. Within 20 minutes my headache was clearing up. Feeling good. Got kids to bed, and laid in bed myself and read for about 30 minutes. Then, I was exhausted and fell right to sleep -- way earlier than I usually do. Anyway, woke up about 2 hours later with Jimmy Legs!! For me, this wording came from a Seinfeld episode and because that is what my Dad says my Mom has --- Jimmy Legs. For me, Jimmy Legs feels like my leg is on vibrate and that I need to go run around. I can usually be found kicking my leg in the air to release some of that energy. However, it doesn't usually help. So I then found myself tossing and turning the rest of the night due to my Jimmy Legs. I was kind of thankful for the Jimmy Legs though because I could still feel the headache -- it was masked by the medication but definitely still there. So I just traded one demon for another.

Today I am just exhausted. Had to get up earlier than usual to get Alex to school early because his class is going to Jefferson City today. I definitely still have the buzz going in my leg and definitely feel the headache returning. Ugh! Motrin here I come!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Toast to Liz

There's a saying that I love that reminds me of my relationship with Liz. It goes "When you're in jail, a good friend will be there to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying "Damn that was fun". Even though Liz and I are 10 years apart, she is my best friend and has always been by my side while growing up.

As you begin this chapter of your new life with Bryan, I can't help but reminisce. I remember the day mom and dad brought you home. You had on this teeny tiny little outfit with strawberries on it. Stevie was sick and we were staying at Grandma and Grandpa Inman's. Grandma brought us over so we could see you. As I looked at you through the glass door, I knew you were something special. Just yesterday, we were only kids sharing a room, and even a bed at one time. I used to love the times we'd stay up late...and I'd make you brush my hair or scratch my back. I loved our "Sister Days" going to the mall or driving to the park and just talking. We've had our share of laughs, we've had our share of tears and we've even had a few fights but I hope you see that I was ALWAYS right.

So here's a little sisterly advice. The next three hours will be interfused into hundreds of sequential split second events...the first dance, the father-daughter dance, the cutting of the cake and just dancing the night away. But something else is going to happen tonight. Something that I want you to cherish. After running out the door at the end of the night, I want you to turn around before slipping inside your getaway car, turn around and for one last time tonight, be lost in the emotions of others, feel the love of everyone here celebrating this wonderful day with you and when you close the door and are suddenly enveloped in quietness so loud you can hear your heart fluttering, I want you to remember the little girl who loved playing dress up; remember the little girl who loved gymnastics and cheerleading; remember the little girl who came to her sister and said ever so casually she was in love.

In our lifetime, we are gifted a small number of truly "landmark moments". They start out small enough say riding a two-wheeled bicycle or throwing your graduation hat in the air. These moments grow in power and significance. And it must be a perfect moment when you look into the eyes of the most loving, caring, giving individual that you've ever known and realize you've found true love. You definitely found your prince because for the last 4 years, you've not only had a smile on your face but in your heart as well.

As your older sister, I've always tried to protect you and shield you from harm. But looking at you and Bryan today, I've realized that you have someone to take over this job for me. Bryan, I love you, you are an amazing, special individual, someone that made my sister realize that she does deserve only the best.

Since you and Bryan love Cardinal baseball, to help you understand what really lies in store, let me explain this marriage thing with a baseball metaphor:

Winning or losing is not the point, nor who chalks up the most runs.
The key is reveling in the now and playing to have fun.
Sometimes you will make errors, sometimes you'll blast one out of the park.
But no matter what, you'll always be wanting to head home.

Liz, I am so proud of the woman you've grown to be and I'm so happy to share this day with you.

To my little siter Liz and to my new brother-in-law Bryan! [TOAST]

Saturday, April 18, 2009

100th Post

This is my 100th post and what a better post than to let everyone know that Jimmy passed the physical test and possibly the written test for the North Little Rock Police today. I am so excited for my hubby! The journey is just beginning here...there will be a few more steps before the real question is answered...whether or not he takes the job and the STL Morgan's become the LR Morgan's. I will keep you posted.

In the meantime, way to go Jimmy!!! I am so proud of you!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hello Darlin'...It's been a long time

You guessed it, I am a closet Conway Twitty lover!! I really do love some of his songs but felt that this blog deserved this title due to my long absence. Wow, can't believe it's been a few months. I have been moving in fast forward since the new year started. First things first, my baby boy turned 10. Double digits! How did this happen?! On the same day, my baby sis got married. I had the most amazing time preparing for her wonderful day (all the bridal shows, the showers, the bachelorette party, the dress fittings were all just so much fun) and then, having the honor to stand next to her on her wedding day. Amazing -- just all so amazing!! (Mandy, don't worry, I will post my toast for you soon.)

No sooner was the wedding over than my new little nephew Jackson arrived...a tad early and without the baby shower that was planned. But as everyone knows, babies do not care about schedules. So instead of spending money on the shower, I went out and bought much needed supplies for Christine and Jackson instead. Sooo much fun!! I did get Christine's personalized "Jackson" bracelet complete along with the personalized burp cloths but still need to finish the quilt. Of course, I think Jackson is as sweet as can be and every time I see pictures I just want to hold him and kiss his cheeks!! The feelings I feel about Jackson surprised me a little. I am already an aunt to Jimmy's sister's three kids but there's something about being an aunt for the first time to your siblings own child that is just amazing!! I wanted to be there for my little brother, emotions running high, can't believe he is a daddy now. I think I probably wore him out texting him everyday to see how my peanut was doing. He, of course, obliged me and even asked a few questions here and there. I feel so honored that he invited me to the hospital to be there waiting when Jackson arrived into this world. Alex just beamed when he saw Jackson and Olivia said "he's beautiful" and even sang him Happy Birthday. Still puts a lump in my throat whenever I think about it!!

So, my life is running full circle...we've had a birth, a marriage and even a death. Jimmy's aunt lost her battle to cancer on March 31st. Her form of cancer was rare and very painful. So thankful she is finally at peace. Such an amazing woman. She will be missed by many! RIP Wanda!

The other craziness going on is something that has brought me many mixed feelings. Jimmy is pursuing his dream of becoming a police officer. He was working towards getting into the City of St. Louis Police when a new Chief took over and changed a few rules. Jimmy became ineligible during the process. That was a sad day in the Morgan household. Emotions were very high for quite some time. However, he is not letting one municipality's "no" stop him. However, and this is a big however, this is also allowing him to obtain his dream in another city and state. We are traveling to Little Rock this weekend for Jimmy to begin his testing with the North Little Rock Police. He will need to pass the written and the physical in order to continue on being eligible. I am so nervous...I hate these big anticipation moments that you have no control over! If he makes it, there is a possibility we will pursue moving to Little Rock. When he and I discussed this at the beginning of the year, I admit, it brought about a new found hope and excitement. I started thinking of being able to afford a home I always wanted (cost of living is so much cheaper there) and being so family-connected. Jimmy's family see's each other often -- almost daily. We dealt with that when his Mom and Dad lived here and a part of me really misses it. Olivia loves playing with her cousins and if given a choice, would move there in an instant. Alex, of course, is not so keen on the idea of moving away from all his friends. So, after all the excitment wore off of this possibility and with the arrival of my new little nephew and the future of my sister starting her family, this endeavor has stirred up mixed feelings. Granted, I have had lots of support from Jimmy's family. All worrying that I will be happy if we move there. I think it will be a huge adjustment and I will miss my sister the most!! Makes me want to cry thinking about it but...OK, let's not speculate. We will have more definite answers after Saturday when we know if Jimmy has passed or not. I pray he passes but only the Lord knows in which direction we are meant to go.

The other big weight on my heart and shoulders is my job. I am just not feeling it. I am totally grateful for having a job and most days do not even let myself think these thoughts for fear that I will become like one of the unfortunate 30 my firm let go in March. But, my heart is just not into it. I feel that I really need to be in more of a creative atmosphere. My sister, aunt and I share a dream and have discussed a possibility but with this economy so sucky right now, we cannot even being to speculate. I do hope one day our dreams do come true!! If not for all of us maybe at least one of us!!

So, that's been my life in a are doing great. Oh, We have made the decision after speaking with Olivia's teachers that she be held back from attending Kindergarten next year. Jimmy had a really hard time accepting this. He looked at more of her intellect instead of her maturity level. I think we made the right choice. I hope we made the right choice! I pray we made the right choice!!

Before I sign off, I want to extend a very heartfelt THANK YOU to two of my Aunt's - Aunt Debbie and Deb Do. You both are such amazing woman. Each one with traits that I truly admire and that truly inspire! Each one of you holds a special place in my heart and I am so grateful for the relationship that we have. You both inspire me to be just like you to my new little nephew and possible future nieces and nephews. Thank you for always being there for me. And even though I may not always say it, it is forever in my heart...Thank you and Love you!

And, to my sister! You are the best! Thank you for always being there for me and for my kiddos. You mean the absolute world to me!! I am so blessed to not only call you my sis but to also call you my best friend!! Love you!!