Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Headache or Jimmy Legs

Recently, I have been having trouble with sinus headaches. For me, these radiate from behind one of my eyes usually. Lots of pressure. If I could poke my eye out when I get one of these, I would. I don't know what's so different this season because I have actually been doing very well with not having as many headaches and then within the last few months, they have been pretty constant. I have always been a headache sufferer and unfortunately, it's hereditary and even more unfortunately, Alex gets them too.

So as I was giving the kids their baths last night, I got a blinding sinus headache. I usually try and stay clear from any kind of sudafed late at night because of what it does to me (I'll explain in a minute) and opted to have a little relief instead. So, I took my Aleve Sinus (which contains the ingredient found in sudafed) and 3 Motrin. Within 20 minutes my headache was clearing up. Feeling good. Got kids to bed, and laid in bed myself and read for about 30 minutes. Then, I was exhausted and fell right to sleep -- way earlier than I usually do. Anyway, woke up about 2 hours later with Jimmy Legs!! For me, this wording came from a Seinfeld episode and because that is what my Dad says my Mom has --- Jimmy Legs. For me, Jimmy Legs feels like my leg is on vibrate and that I need to go run around. I can usually be found kicking my leg in the air to release some of that energy. However, it doesn't usually help. So I then found myself tossing and turning the rest of the night due to my Jimmy Legs. I was kind of thankful for the Jimmy Legs though because I could still feel the headache -- it was masked by the medication but definitely still there. So I just traded one demon for another.

Today I am just exhausted. Had to get up earlier than usual to get Alex to school early because his class is going to Jefferson City today. I definitely still have the buzz going in my leg and definitely feel the headache returning. Ugh! Motrin here I come!!

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