Friday, January 23, 2009


Here are some basketball pics of Alex. He really does love to play. This year, the boys got a new coach and let me say, it's been a world of difference. They have won both of their games so far this year! Go St. Ambrose!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Been meaning to...

blog since Monday but just haven't gotten around to it. I am finally sitting down and reflecting on the last week. These last few weeks have been good...we are all good. I finally feel positive - like things are going to be OK. I feel like we are starting this new year on a good foot...granted, we have had many stumbles but overall, I am feeling pretty good.

The question did come up again last week about whether Olivia really is truly ready for Kindergarten. Intellectually, she is ready. Maturity-wise, I am not so sure. Miss Michelle gave me some information on a seminar she attended called Love and Logic. You know what? It's some good stuff. I used a tactic on Alex and low and behold, it worked like a charm... It seems to be working with Olivia as well. I realized that a lot of her actions were reflections of my actions and the way I was living my life. I truly seek peace and happiness in my life. My actions as a wife and mother did not reflect such. I'm working on it.

Saturday, Alex had a basketball game. They won again! Go St. Ambrose!! We went to Apollonia - a Greek restaurant on Gravois - let me just say this was the best lunch I have had in a looong time. Olivia didn't eat much. We ordered Saganaki - flaming cheese - because she loves cheese and cheese sticks. But she wasn't liking the fact that her cheese was set on fire so she didn't eat any. We ended up getting her a salad and figured she would probably like the gyro meat - she is not a big meat eater but I thought she might like it - nope -- wouldn't touch the meat. Me, Jimmy and Alex each got a Gyro and it was sooo delicious. I only could eat half. Actually, all 3 of us had leftovers. It was so delicious, I had my leftover for dinner that night. Even warmed up, it was delish!! Definitely looking forward to visiting there again. It also didn't hurt that we got to eat for free. The manager had been asking Jimmy to come in and when he saw us, he took everything off our bill. So we left a hefty tip for the waiter. After lunch, we thought we would go work off some of our food and thought how fun it would be to go to Rollercade and roller skate. Unfortunately, they have funky hours. We got there at 3:10 and they close at 4. The lady was going to charge us the full price for 45 minutes...I don't think so. Needless to say, we had a very upset little girl. We are going to try and go again this weekend. That night, we played board games. Alex and Liv played a game of Candyland and we were getting ready to play Scrabble when Jimmy decided Monopoly would be better since Liv could play. Let me just say, I hate Mono-poly!! It takes forever!! 3 hours later, I was declared the Winner!! Woo Hoo! ! I have never won at Monopoly!!! What!! Crazy!!!

Sunday we had breakfast and then played a game of Chutes and Ladders!! Fun time at the Morgan's!! Sunday and Monday we just relaxed...I have been reading a really good book -- actually, a new vampyre series. I finished the first book within a few days and started on the second. I am now about 30 pages from finishing the second and have the third book on hold at the library. I love when I find books I can't put down!! Well, till next time!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Found It!

We found it...the perfect flower girl dress for Olivia. Me, Liz and Olivia went to David's Bridal (which I was appalled at the amount of chaos in that store), another Bridal store (that had a funky pickle and vinegar smell) and to Shaely Bugs in West Co. Mall. Shaely Bugs is where we got it. It is the one dress that is pretty similar to Liz's and just looks so adorable on her. Has lots of sparkle-shiny, as we like to say. And, we also picked up her mini tiara. Can we just say cutie-patootie? Now all we need are the shoes and Olivia is set and ready for the big day.

The other thing I think that was "found" today was Alex's confidence! My baby boy scored his first ever basket in his basketball game today. Can I just say how proud of him I am. We kept telling him he can try and shoot for the basket too. He finally tried it and he made it!!! Swish!! After he made the basket, he pumped his arm in the arm, yelled "yes" and was just so excited. All the parents cheered for him and I, of course, got all choked up. Couldn't help it. I love seeing my baby succeed and find his confidence! They won their game 18-8. It was a great first game! Hopefully now, they will be on a role and keep winning. These boys definitey deserve it!!

Friday, January 9, 2009


I am so thankful it is Friday. This has been one loooong week! We have tried getting back into a routine and by yesterday I think we were finally getting there. This weekend will be pretty busy. To start off, me and the kids met my Mom and sister at the mall to look for flowergirl dresses for Olivia and sucker-inner shapewear for under our dresses. Let me just say that I have my work cut out for me. When I tried this one pair on, my fat was saying..."and you want me to go where?" I started to feel defeated and discourage but I told myself that I just need to work harder! It's been kind of hard this week because I am still in pain from having fallen on the ice on Tuesday. It hurts to just bend over...ugh! So left the mall and finally got some food into my kiddos. Alex had a 9:15 p.m. basketball game. I was trying to be a nice spouse and have Jimmy relax at home with Olivia but I ended up with such a headache from not eating all day that I just couldn't. I feel bad too because he worked until 3 a.m. last night and was up at 7:00 a.m. for work -- he's worked both jobs again today and is going back out again tonight and working. Poor guy but I am so thankful he went in my place. I told him he could sleep all day tomorrow and I would take Alex to his basketball game at noon. Tomorrow afternoon, we are going back out looking for flower girl dresses. Looking forward to it. Olivia is such a princess...she loved the whole trying dresses on. The problem...she is so little that it's hard finding a dress to fit her. We narrowed it down to 2 but they are too big. We are going to see if the other store's location has them or anything different. Can't wait. Sunday will be another basketball game unless they lose tonight and catching up on the house cleaning and laundry. So glad it's the weekend. Whew...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


So this morning as I turned on the news and heard the area was covered in ice, I was hoping there would be no school today! Not the case! So, got Jimmy and Alex out the door and was waiting to hear how the roads were. Since Olivia didn't have class today, there was no need for us to hurry. Jimmy called at 7:58 a.m. to say all was well and roads weren't bad. Guess I better get into gear. Got me and Olivia ready to go. I thought I'd wear my tennis shoes to work and bring my heels so I don't slip. Sounded like a good plan. So, I let Maggie outside, made breakfast and packed our lunches. Time to go. Go to the door with my hands full...purse, work bag, lunch, Olivia's backpack, find that Maggie can't get back up the steps because they are covered in ice. I step out ever so carefully and slide just a bit. Nice, porch and stairs covered in ice. I manage to get Maggie back up without a mishap. Go back up the stairs to lock the door. Warn Olivia a million times that the porch and steps are icy and to be careful. She makes it no problem. Then I make it. OK...we are good. Fast forward to arriving at Olivia's school. There's a funeral so no parking in front of the school. I have to park across the street. No problem. Get out of my car and walk around to get Olivia out but before I can get there...ssshhhbooomp! I totally hit the pavement!! Landed square on my butt! This probably looked like a scene in a movie with my legs flying in front of me!! Of course this had to be witnessed by 2 other people who were standing nearby! They did express concern but I just couldn't bear to look at them. I landed right on my tailbone...ouch! Of course, the entire area near Olivia's door was covered in ice. I stepped carefully to her door and managed to get her out of her car seat. I told her to go to Alex's door and wait for me. I didn't want to risk her falling. My bum is throbbing!! I guess that's what I get for thinking if I waited a little everything would be fine. Just hope my bodycast goes with my bridesmaid dress! ;)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Ending!

The end of my two week vacation draws to a close. I have been so busy these last 2 weeks that I might need a vaction from this vacation! Nah, it was fabulous -- we enjoyed Christmas with my family (and are looking forward to Christmas with the Morgan's in a few weeks), we went to the park and the zoo with our wonderful friends JJ and Brendon when we had such amazing weather, celebrated New Years Eve at Chuck E Cheese, went to the dr. for a check up, helped address 180 invitations for Lizzie's wedding and went to Houlihan's for lunch with sis and Amanda today. Who could ask for so many blessings in just 2 short weeks. I didn't get all the "projects" I had planned to be completed during my vacation, didn't get the laundry done, didn't get my house all spic and span but what I did do was enjoy my kids and enjoy my time off! Me and the kids had a fantastic vacation together. However, I'll be sorry when tomorrow morning comes and I have to wake each one up -- routine shmoutine -- who needs a routine when you are on vacation? Hopefully all will go smoothly. For now, baths have been given, lunches made and hopefully kiddos are asleep. Guess I better get to bed now too...Goodnight!