Friday, January 9, 2009


I am so thankful it is Friday. This has been one loooong week! We have tried getting back into a routine and by yesterday I think we were finally getting there. This weekend will be pretty busy. To start off, me and the kids met my Mom and sister at the mall to look for flowergirl dresses for Olivia and sucker-inner shapewear for under our dresses. Let me just say that I have my work cut out for me. When I tried this one pair on, my fat was saying..."and you want me to go where?" I started to feel defeated and discourage but I told myself that I just need to work harder! It's been kind of hard this week because I am still in pain from having fallen on the ice on Tuesday. It hurts to just bend over...ugh! So left the mall and finally got some food into my kiddos. Alex had a 9:15 p.m. basketball game. I was trying to be a nice spouse and have Jimmy relax at home with Olivia but I ended up with such a headache from not eating all day that I just couldn't. I feel bad too because he worked until 3 a.m. last night and was up at 7:00 a.m. for work -- he's worked both jobs again today and is going back out again tonight and working. Poor guy but I am so thankful he went in my place. I told him he could sleep all day tomorrow and I would take Alex to his basketball game at noon. Tomorrow afternoon, we are going back out looking for flower girl dresses. Looking forward to it. Olivia is such a princess...she loved the whole trying dresses on. The problem...she is so little that it's hard finding a dress to fit her. We narrowed it down to 2 but they are too big. We are going to see if the other store's location has them or anything different. Can't wait. Sunday will be another basketball game unless they lose tonight and catching up on the house cleaning and laundry. So glad it's the weekend. Whew...

1 comment:

  1. Don't get discouraged. I know how hard it is but hang in there. It's especially hard when you have kids but make sure you take time to take care of yourself. The kids will benefit from that too. Do the sucky-inny things work? I might have to resort to that.
