Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Ending!

The end of my two week vacation draws to a close. I have been so busy these last 2 weeks that I might need a vaction from this vacation! Nah, it was fabulous -- we enjoyed Christmas with my family (and are looking forward to Christmas with the Morgan's in a few weeks), we went to the park and the zoo with our wonderful friends JJ and Brendon when we had such amazing weather, celebrated New Years Eve at Chuck E Cheese, went to the dr. for a check up, helped address 180 invitations for Lizzie's wedding and went to Houlihan's for lunch with sis and Amanda today. Who could ask for so many blessings in just 2 short weeks. I didn't get all the "projects" I had planned to be completed during my vacation, didn't get the laundry done, didn't get my house all spic and span but what I did do was enjoy my kids and enjoy my time off! Me and the kids had a fantastic vacation together. However, I'll be sorry when tomorrow morning comes and I have to wake each one up -- routine shmoutine -- who needs a routine when you are on vacation? Hopefully all will go smoothly. For now, baths have been given, lunches made and hopefully kiddos are asleep. Guess I better get to bed now too...Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. It's hard going back isn't it? I had a harder time on day 2 back than I did on Monday. I just wanted to stay snuggled under the covers.
