Thursday, July 3, 2008


Books! They are my passion!! I love to read!

Alex has 3 book reports to do this summer. He has to read educational books (not that all books aren't educational but he can't do them on the Grampa and Wiley series he loves so much). His first book was called Sign here, John Hancock. It was all guessed it...John Hancock and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. He really, really liked this book. He read it in a day. I was elated!! He even took the book with us when we went to Wal-Mart so he could keep reading. Awesome!! He is really interested in history. That is so cool. Especially since Jimmy and his soon-to-be Uncle Bryan love history. I'm not so good at history. I wish I was...especially when I watch the National Treasure movies. To be so educated and passionate about our history is just an awesome thing!!

We've been visiting the library that last couple of weeks to get the books Alex needs for his report. Olivia also likes picking out books. I think once she gets a grip on the letters, she will be off reading like I do. Check out the picture of her with the book. She asked me to take her picture while reading. So cute! I guess she watched me read all weekend that she thought it was cool. I read a book in a day in a half over this past weekend. It was James Patterson's new one. Those are pretty easy reads and it was a really good book. I hope I am setting a good example for my kids that you can learn all kinds of things from books. If I ever won the lottery, I would have a ball spending it in a bookstore!! I'd be like a kid in a candy store. Passion! I love books!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love to read too. I have always loved reading. 2 of my 4 kids read a lot. 1 reads a little. And 1 doesn't like to read at all. Hopefully he will like it better when it is for enjoyment and not for school.
