Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Olivia!

Opening presents
New shirt
Stamper set
Olivia and Baby Alive
Yay - diapers for Baby Alive!
Opening presents
Brother wants to help!
Stamper set!

Today is Olivia's 4th Birthday. I can't believe my baby girl is 4 today. The time has gone so fast. I remember like it was yesterday being pregnant with her. My pregnancy with her was a little rough. Looking back, my pregnancy was an indication of the attitude my daughter was going to possess once she was born. She was breach. She stood for 9 months! I even went in to have a procedure done close to the end of my pregnancy to see if they could turn her around so she could be born vaginally. Nope!! The doctor would push her over but when he would let go, she would bounce right back up. So we decided on a cesarean. At 9:15 a.m., Olivia Mary Louise was born! She was perfect! She nursed right away. Alex was and is a great big brother to her!! The last 4 years have brought great joy to my life. Just seeing those big blue eyes light up brings me so much joy! She definitely has a big attitude for such a little girl but she definitely has a lot of love! She started preschool last November and all the teachers just love her. Olivia is a very independent, smart, funny, loving little girl. She knows what she wants and by God, she will do whatever it takes to get it. She seems to have a natural athletic ability too (takes after her Mom). I am definitely enjoying her while she is little but sometimes, I look at her and wonder what kind of girl and woman she will become. I hope I do my job right and guide her in the right direction. She definitely has roots and one day will get her wings. Right now, I am loving every minute of her childhood!!

On Sunday, we took her to Red Lobster for her birthday dinner. She loves crab legs and devoured it. After dinner, the waitress brought her a sundae with 4 candles on it. We sang her Happy Birthday and she blew all 4 candles out!! So proud!! We woke her up this morning singing to her. She got to open her presents too. We got her the big Baby Alive for her birthday. She talks and eats and goes potty. So we gave her an extra pack of diapers!! She got 2 new shirts and a pair of shorts, an Ariel chalk holder and 2 sets of Disney stampers. Today, she took a big iced cookie to Jane's to share with the kids. She couldn't wait to have all the kids sing to her!! Tonight is dance class so no party tonight but hopefully soon. I'll have to pick up some cupcakes so we can sing and she can blow out more candles. Hope she has a great day...I'll be thinking of her!

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!! We Love You!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Precious Liv-ee Lo!
    You are such a beautiful little bundle of attitide...I LOVE IT! May this year bring you much joy and be as precious and special for you!

    Brendon wants to by you a Callou something or other for your birthday but we'll find something more appropriate!

    We love you!

    Stephen, Jessica, & Brendon
