Monday, August 25, 2008

YAY, PreSchool!!

Olivia sitting at her desk!
Miss Gina letting Olivia play with the new dollhouse!
Olivia and Miss Michelle
First Day!!

Today was Olivia's first day of preschool! Yesterday, they held an open house and we went to visit. She was so excited to see all her favorite teachers and gave everyone lots of hugs! She especially loved seeing Miss Michelle and went running into her arms when she saw her! I absolutely love Miss Michelle. She is the director of the preschool and is just an amazing, kind woman. I don't know what it is about her but I feel very drawn to this woman almost like she was a God-send to me. She definitely helped put my mind at ease when Olivia first started going there. I was so racked with guilt and panic-stricken about having to hurry and find a preschool for Olivia when Jane got hurt. But after a few weeks of Olivia going to KidKare, both Jimmy and I decided that it was perfect and that we would not be putting her at the saught-after "Villa", where big brother Alex went. All the teachers there just love Olivia. How could I ask for more especially when she loves them all right back!!
So, back to yesterday's open house. As soon as we walked in, Olivia spotted some new toys. Her favorite -- a gigantic doll house! Miss Gina (another of Olivia's favorites) let her play in it. So, this morning, Olivia couldn't get to school fast enough! We packed her backpack and made her lunch and headed out. First day of school! We put her backpack on the hook she picked, and put her lunchbox in the kitchen. I got a big hug and a kiss and then she wiggled to get out of my arms and go play. Miss Lisa said she was really impressed. I guess because even though Olivia is comfortable with the school and the teachers, it's still hard getting back into the routine. When I got to the car, I saw her at the window waiting to wave to me. I eagerly waved back as I forced the lump in my throat down. She won't actually start her preschool class until Sept. 10th but at least this gets her back into the groove. We have been working on our letters and she is really good (if I must say so!). She is even getting really good at writing her name! I am so excited for this next step in Olivia's life. She can't wait to go to "Alex's school" but she definitely loves KidKare! I love KidKare! I can't wait to pick her up and see how her day went! I am sure she pitched a few fits (because after all, it wouldn't be Olivia if she didn't) but I hope she had a good day.

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