Thursday, August 14, 2008

Week (so far) in review!

My week days are just crazy. We have so much going on that I have no time or energy to focus on keeping my house clean or just doing anything else that I want to do.

Monday was OK. Alex came home with a horrible headache and needed to relax before swim class. I indulged myself since I had the TV all to myself for a few hours while Alex and Jimmy were up at the Y and watched all my Big Brother After Dark episodes. Did a load of laundry in between.

Tuesday got a little crazier. I checked the school website and found a message that Alex's soccer practice starts on Wednesday nights. So after picking the kids up from Jane's, we headed to Sports Authority for some new soccer cleats. I swear, I buy these for this kid every season!! This year, they got brand-spankin' new uniforms. They are really cool!! Wish I was playing soccer again!! It's still my goal to get on a team -- hopefully next year. One other crazy thing that happened today and the joy of being a mother is, Olivia had green poop. I'm talking light green. I was getting her bath ready and she was going potty. She got off and said "Mom, I've got green poop." Of course, being her mother I had to inspect. I kind of panicked. What does this mean? Is something wrong? I called my mom and as we were talking, it dawned on me that Olivia has been eating the heck out of the blueberries we bought at the Farmer's Market on Saturday. She absolutely loves blueberries. So, yep, we found the culprit!! Aahh, the joys of being a mother!! ;)

So back to our Wednesday night craziness. Go to work all day, pick the kids up and run home to change. Alex had to be at soccer practice at 5:45 p.m. Practice is 1.5 hours long. At least last night was a pleasant night. I also enjoy getting together with the other parents and chit-chatting. Then, Jimmy and I had our last softball game of the season. The Chamber of Commerce put on a BBQ so we headed there straight from Alex's practice to grab a bite. Our game wasn't until 8:50 p.m. Needless to say, we didn't get home until 11 p.m. and the kids were covered in dirt!! Quick showers and to bed for them. I finally got a chance to sit down and relax for 30 minutes reading my Breaking Dawn book before heading to bed myself. What a long day!!

I am thinking of taking a few classes at the Y during the evenings but when I think about how I am never home during the week, it makes me not want to do it. I have to keep telling myself that the house will wait until the weekend. I just feel that when the house is a mess so is my life. But I am also at a point in my life that I know I need to take care of myself. I just need to get on top of it. The bedtime routine is down perfect. I have gained back my independence. The kids go to bed without me!! Woo Hoo!! I guess I could use that time to clean but I savor those moments. Moments that I can sit and read my book or watch a movie - something Jimmy and I did Monday night that we haven't been able to do since before the kids. Moments that aren't for work or someone else. Moments that are for myself. Is that selfish? I guess I need to work on a system and maybe then, I'll feel better.

So that's my week in review so far. Alex has a party on Saturday and Jimmy's going to the Ram's game and helping a friend move. Sunday is the Back to School Mass. Guess my weekends aren't looking any better, especially since soccer games will be thrown in there soon!! But you know, I love this life. I love my kids and everything that comes along with having them. Hope everyone else is having a great week!!

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