Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It's quiet here...too quiet. It's the kind of quiet when you know no kids are around! Alex and Olivia are spending the night at their favorite Deb Do's house tonight. Olivia is off school tomorrow and both Jimmy and I could not take off work. So I asked Deb Do if she would mind watching the kids. To make it easier on everyone, she offered to have them spend the night tonight. They both loved the idea! Olivia was so excited when I picked her up from school and announced we needed to leave so we could get ready to go to Deb Do's. She promptly told all her teachers and friends where she was going. They didn't understand what Deb Do's was and one girl said "you mean you're going to Ted Drewes?" First though, we had to pick Alex up from swimming. We rushed home, packed a bag, scarfed down a quick bite to eat, headed to St. Ambrose for soccer uniform turn in and basketball uniform pick up. Then, finally to Deb Do's. As I rounded the last corner on Deb Do's street, Olivia proudly proclaimed..."we are almost there." She loves Deb Do. Once we got inside, she wanted to show her what she packed...Ellie (her elephant) and her robe (that is a size 18 months that she still wears!) Olivia kept telling me to go. She knew I was leaving and that she was staying. She even opened the door to usher me out. Love that she is so secure! Love that Deb Do! So, Jimmy and I are settling in for the night in this quiet house. I am saying a silent prayer that Olivia sleeps through the night, that Alex doesn't worry about falling asleep and hoping that both know just how much I love them and miss them! Thanks Deb Do for taking care of the 2 people who mean the world to me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure they are having a great time. I hope you and Jimmy take advantage of your time alone. I'm sure it doesn't happen often. Have a great Thanksgiving!
