Monday, November 24, 2008

Bridal Shower

Saturday was Liz's Bridal Shower. I think it was a success. People said they had a good time and things looked good. However, I always think I could do more. In fact, I wish I could have done more but I am proud of the things I did accomplish. I had lots of help from family and friends which contributed to the successful shower. I delegated a few tasks (something that doesn't come easy for this Type A control freak) and such was a wonderful Saturday afternoon.

Since my sister is the Princess, I went with a Cinderella theme...sparkling gems, flowers, glass slippers, a three-tiered cake (of course, made by the wonderful Grandma Glo!), a sparkly Cinderella and her Prince dancing picture frame, two kinds of punch and lots of good food. To end the shower, my sis-in-law made the most adorable cookies for everyone. They were so cute and delicious! This was the first shower in quite some time that I did not choose which games to play. I delegated that duty to Liz's other matron-of-honor. Shayna did a great job. Everyone loved and really got into designing a wedding dress from toilet paper. My cousin Gayle won most original and my cousin's daughter Amber also won for best dress. So creative and fun!

Liz got some great gifts. When I saw Bryan that night, it tickled me because he was just as excited about them and couldn't believe how many they got! While I always love to plan parties, at 5 p.m. I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders...whew, Done. Now I can't wait for the wedding! I hope everyone had a good time!! If you'd like me to plan your next party...totally kidding!! ;)


  1. Everything was wonderful. You did a great job. I think everyone just wants you to plan all the showers from here on out. Love, Lori

  2. Melissa

    I am so proud of all the work and time you put into this shower. It was truly a magical afternoon. Love mom
