Monday, October 27, 2008


It started on Thursday...when Jimmy and I saw each other in passing at the Y, he had been home once already, he warned of the smoke detectors is beeping at home. My first thought was "thanks for leaving it for me to fix!" But OK, he is leaving one job, running home and changing and going to another job. But dang it, now I have to bring in the huge ladder and get up there to get it. I love having 12 foot ceilings except when it comes to changing light bulbs and getting to the fire and carbon monoxide detectors. So, when we got home I just ignored it for a little bit. It was an intermittent beep not a continuous beeeep! It was upstairs and when downstairs it really wasn't that big of a bother. And by the end of the night, the intermittent beeping had stopped. Hmm...well, Friday morning at 5:00 a.m., the intermittent beeping started again!! Beep...beep...beep! Neither Jimmy nor I wanted to go out to the garage and get the ladder at that time so I closed the door to Alex and Olivia's room's and our's but you could still hear it!! Finally, at 6:45 a.m., I couldn't take it anymore. I woke Jimmy and he went out and got the ladder and took it down. Of course, we had no 9 volt batteries in the house. Fast forward to Friday night about 3:30 a.m. Jimmy and I were finally settling down to go to sleep when all of a sudden we hear, beep...beep. Are you kidding me? We were trying to figure out where the beeping was coming from. Jimmy took down the detector in Alex's room because it was showing a blinking red light, we took down the one in the hallway downstairs and had the one we took down earlier that morning. So, back to bed, then, beep...beep. Seriously? We stood in the hallway trying to figure out where the beeping was coming sounded like it was coming from one of the detectors in which there was NO BATTERY! So we got that squared away. Back to bed again...then an hour later, beep...beep! It was the detector in our bedroom! I woke Jimmy up and made him climb up there and get that one. So now, we are down to only one detector upstairs and that's in Olivia's room. I prayed that there would not be a fire tonight since we had almost every detector in the house down! How crazy for all these detectors to need a new battery at the same time! When we got up on Saturday, we figured we were going to need about 12 9 volt batteries in all. We are not taking any more chances...all the batteries are getting replaced. You know the other crazy thing...they don't sell 9 volt batteries in bulk packaging. We only saw a pack of 4 for $10.50. Now that's crazy!! But not as crazy as waking to the beep...beep...beep!!

1 comment:

  1. How frustrating. They always tell you to change the batteries when you set your clocks ahead or back an hour. Since that was the weekend that it use to be, maybe they were on the old daylight savings time. At least you have them all taken care of.
