I have read a few blogs playing this online game of TAG thereby finding myself tagged.
Here a 7 things you might not know about me!
1. I am really an introvert. I am really quiet until you get to know me. I definitely need down time in order to get the energy to be around others. I am drawn to extroverts because they help "bring me out" of my shell. Putting me in a room with people I don't know is pure torture for me. My quietness is viewed as "bitchiness" when really, I just don't know what to say.
2. I have been a paralegal for 12 years but my dream job would be a Medical Examiner. I loved watching Quincy when I was younger and wanted to be just like him. I have a yearning to work in forensics and know the "why" of things. Maybe one day when my kids are grown I can work on fulfilling this dream.
3. I love to read. My favorites are any book by Patricia Cornwell, James Patterson, the Harry Potter books, and the Twilight series.
4. I love to do crafty things. I sew, embroider, cross stitch, make jewelry, and scrapbook. I recently learned calligraphy and would love to learn to smock. One of my biggest regrets is not allowing my mother-in-law to give me smocking lessons before she passed away.
5. I love to cook! I am always eager to try new recipes.
6. I love music. Music helps me feel and say the things that sometimes I just can't. My iPod has a very eclectic selection of music. I love anything with soul, where you can just feel the emotions!
And last but not least, 7. I am a very emotional person. (This may actually not be a surprise to most!) I am very empathetic and tend to put myself in that person's shoes and feel the emotions they are feeling. I cry at Hallmark commercials. I cry during tv shows and movies (even Disney movies). I even cry at Broadway plays. Alex has gotten to the point of even saying "Mom are you crying again?" Crazy, I know.
So now that you have read my blog, if you have a blog, consider yourself tagged! Let's hear 7 things we didn't know about you!