Sunday, December 7, 2008


On Friday morning, my step-grandpa Rog passed away. Even though his death is truly a blessing since he was suffering both mentally and physically, it was hard losing him. I did not expect to take his death as hard as I did. Rog has been in my family since I was 18 months old. My Grandma dated him until they married when I was 9. Rog was seen as your typical "grumpy old man" but I do remember fun times with him. I remember when he and my Grandma took me to the VP Fair. He put me up on his shoulders so I could see Chuck Berry on the stage. I remember he came to my high school graduation. For some reason, my Grandma wasn't there but Rog came. He used to get a kick out the length of time my Grandma and I could spend used to be for hours. (How I miss those days!) After my Grandma passed, we used to pick him up whenever we had family gatherings. We always made sure there were plenty of leftovers and extra sweets for him to take home. So, even though we did not call him "Grandpa", he was a member of our family. Go and be happy Rog! We will miss you!

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