Friday, July 29, 2011


July 24th was my 39th birthday and it was an awesome day! The night before, I was watching an Oprah behind the scene's. The one where all the stars came to show their love. Oprah talked about being open to receiving the love and embracing it. She said some other things that really made me think. And I had an Ah-Ha moment. Every year on birthday, I would tell people that "it's just another day". Then it hit me! The message I was really relaying was that I was not worthy of your love. I was not open to receiving your love -- even one day out of the year. This has been my issue for many years. The feeling of unworthiness. Why do I have this? I am not sure. This is something I will work on. So I decided right then and there, that no more would I call my birthday "just another day". What does that say to my parents who gave me life? What kind of example does that set for Alex and Olivia? I would be devastated to hear my children say their birthday is "just another day".

So I woke up that morning with a smile on my face and open to receiving the love. Facebook is a wonderful thing sometimes -- I think I received around 70-80 "Happy Birthday's" -- that was awesome! 70-80 people took a few minutes out of their day to wish me a Happy Birthday. Yes, I am open to receiving their love. Thanks to all! Not to mention the texts and phone calls I received.

The kids and I got ready for a day at the pool with my friend Aimee and her daughter Samantha. Olivia and Samantha are the same age and always have a great time. We haven't gotten to spend much time at the pool together so this was a perfect opportunity. However, Alex ended up getting burnt and I got burnt in a few spots. But we had an amazing afternoon! So thankful for such a great friend. Aimee and I have been friends since college. We lost touch a few times but have since been close for about 7 years now. She has been an amazing friend throughout everything going on in my life in the past year! I am so thankful for her!!

After swimming we went right over to my Mom and Dad's for dinner. They made homemade chicken and dumplings - the dumpling were my favorite (Biquick dumplings). Whenever I was younger and my Mom would make chicken and dumplings she always made the Bisquick dumplings. I just can't have chicken and dumplings with the noodle-type not my fav. So they made the dumplings I prefer. We had a great salad and then my all-time favorite dessert -- bread pudding! I know, I know, I am weird. Everyone I told what we had for dessert turned up their nose and said "blech". I don't know what it is about bread pudding but I would choose that over cake any day.

Then my parents surprised me with a ton of groceries. It was exactly what I needed. Plus, my Dad filled my gas tank up! To someone else, these might be trivial gifts, but these were things that just made my day! Everything was perfect and I was open to receiving it all. I kinda like being open to receiving the love...I felt like I got more out of life and the day by being open.

So despite being away from my husband, spending the first day of my 39th year with my kids, a great friend and my parents was the best birthday I have had in a long time!! Here's to hoping that means my year with be amazing! There are lots of things to look forward to and new memories to forge!

So Happy 39th Birthday to Me!

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