Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Little Rock

We finally got to celebrate Christmas with Jimmy's family last weekend in Little Rock. It was so nice to get out of this snowy, cold weather and into the sunny, warm weather of Little Rock. The temps were in the high 60's and low 70's. I ran an errand on Saturday and actually opened my sunroof. I am definitely one of those people who get depressed from the winter weather. Sun really does perk my up. So it was just the right pick me up!!

It was a quick trip -- we didn't leave STL until 5 p.m. It was kind of creepy and scary driving down the portion of the highway between just before Cape to after Blytheville -- those areas were hit really hard with ice and there was no power. No lights along the highway as we drove along. The highway was clear but snow was piled up on the side of the road unlike here were on the highway, the snow was cleared away. Of course, Olivia had to stop for a potty break -- we pulled off at a rest stop to find it was pitch black. The facilities were hit by the ice and no electric. Quick thinking, Jimmy held her like he was going to swing her - so she was in a sitting position and held her pants while she did her business. Hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do and when a 4 year old proclaims she's gotta go, there is no time for thinking. As we were leaving the rest stop, Jimmy said he could hear all the ice and trees breaking. I pulled out of the spot and started on my way -- bright lights on -- but wait, what is THAT? Eeeww, gross, is that a RAT? Yep and not just 1 but 6! We saw 6 rats scamper away as we were driving out of the rest stop. I loudly proclaimed we are NEVER stopping at another rest area again!!!

We made it to Little Rock about 10:30 p.m. Got ourselves situated and had a nice chat with my father-in-law before proceeding to bed. Jimmy and Alex were getting up early to go see my nephew Nicky race his car in the Pinewood Derby. He proudly won "Best Design". Nicky and Brian (my bro-in-law) designed a penguin car and a whole penguin village after Club Penguin -- the newest Disney game craze.

That afternoon, Jim and I prepared a homemade spaghetti sauce -- we actually made our own -- no jars. It turned out pretty good for our first try. I made up a lasagna for dinner. We were having a few friends over that night -- Jimmy hooked up with a couple that we haven't seen in 6 years on Facebook. They are good friends of the Morgan's. They have a son who was born on the same day as Alex. It was so good to see Robert and Adrienne. We had a fantastic dinner. Lasagna turned out pretty good despite the fact that we smoked the kitchen/house up because the pan tilted in the oven and spilled juice which caused the smoke. Ugh! Oh well,

We left Little Rock early to head back to STL so Jimmy could go to his Superbowl Party. With it being daylight, we watched as we left the comfy, warm area of Little Rock and headed into the cold area of STL. We watched the temp jump from 65 to 45 in a matter of minutes. Ugh! It was such a downer to see all the snow again! I am ready for spring!! For flowers! For sun!!!

Overall, it was a nice trip...I hate to say this because I know there are some in my family who don't want to discuss this possibility, but we are considering moving to Little Rock. Jimmy is going to apply at the police department there. I have been checking out houses online. It is amazing to me the difference in housing costs there compared to here. I can get the house I have always wanted there for half the cost or more. That kind of house here in STL would never be obtainable. The cost of private elementary school is about what we pay now so no difference there but the cost of private high school education is drastically lower there than here. And with high school not far in our future, it is something we have to consider. There are many downsides to leaving STL - family and friends but we would be moving to a place where family and friends are also. I couldn't move to a place where I don't know anyone. I don't make friends easily since I am a bit shy. I am at peace with this decision should it come to this. However, I won't let myself think about leaving my baby sister behind. She is the one I would miss the most. We see each other the most. She sees my kids the most. I usually only see my parents and brother once a month sometimes longer - they are busy. I want my kids to experience having a family close. When my mother-in-law was alive and they lived here, Mary saw Alex every day (ok, she took him to the babysitter) but we also saw them almost every weekend. I miss that closeness. I have also connected with old friends via Facebook lately and some of them are no longer in STL even though their families are. I know it can be done and that I can still maintain closeness with my STL family and friends. We'll see if that is the direction the Lord wants us to take. And if it takes us out of town, we'll visit often. We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. What a hard decision to have to make. Thank goodness for the internet, at least people can stay connected this way.
