Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Random photos I love!!

Olivia and Uncle Bryan

Liz and Bryan

Daddy and Olivia


Olivia - cheese!!!

Olivia and Brendon (Flowergirl and Ring Bearer) - practicing walking down the aisle

New Routine!

So with 3 weeks left of summer vacation, I thought it was time the kids got back into a bedtime routine. A new routine - sleeping in their own beds!! As I mentioned in earlier posts, we have a unique bedtime routine in the Morgan house. When it was time for the kids to go to bed, I bascially had to go to bed. We all piled in my bed and I would read a book while they fell asleep. It's awesome that my kids want to be with me but I missed out on having a few hours to just wind myself down before I went to sleep.

I decided that we would start slow. The first thing I did was remove myself from the bed. When it's time for bed, the kids brush their teeth and get pajamas on. Then they climb into my bed (I didn't want to change things too quickly for them). I give kisses and hugs and make sure there are drinks at their disposal. I then go downstairs and spend a few precious hours with my husband. We have done this since Sunday night and let me tell you, I feel like a new woman!! My goal is to get them sleeping in their own beds by the start of school. I think we are on our way. Olivia doesn't seem to have any problems with the sleeping arrangement...even though she still gets in my bed in the middle of the night (we are working on that!). But Alex has been a little hesitant. On Sunday night, he came downstairs about 15 times before finally falling asleep. The last 2 nights he has been out like a light even though he gets anxious about me not being in the room before I turn out the light. But all is going well and I hope to continue on such a positive note!! Next their own beds! The saga will continue!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Liz, Mom and Me

Today is my Mom's Birthday. She's vacationing at Walt Disney World for her birthday. How awesome is that? We did that together when we all went in 1997. I love Disney World!! Today, on the way to Jane's me and the kids called and sang her Happy Birthday. She was having breakfast with all the Pooh characters. My dad made a surprise reservation at the Crystal Palace and told them it was her birthday. They made an announcement over the intercom and brought her a cupcake and card. She was in heaven. Wish we could have been there!!!

Mom, I just want to say that I am so proud to have you not only as my Mom but also as my Friend. You mean the world to me and I Love You! You are also a wonderful Grandma!! Alex and Olivia Love you Most Infinity!!!

Relaxing Weekend!

Brendon and Liv
Alex riding his bike
Liv riding her bike

This past weekend was our first weekend in - I don't know when - where we didn't have a single event penciled in on our calendar. It was wonderful!! I didn't know what to do with myself since it seems that even on the weekend, I need to set my alarm. How wonderful to know that I could get up whenever I wanted!! Jimmy and I even got a few spare minutes for each other. It's not that often that we get to connect without the kids interrupting. We actually got moving fairly early on Saturday morning and did our grocery shopping and a little car shopping. After that, it was home and veggin' out in front of the TV for movie time. We love movies and Jimmy brought home 6 new movies for us.

Sunday was busier since we took Saturday to just veg. Sunday morning, Olivia and I met Brendon and JJ at Francis Park for a few hours of fun play time!! Olivia and Brendon haven't seen each other in a few months so it was a great reunion for them!! They played really well together and it gave JJ and I another few hours of talking time as well. JJ got some great photos of the 2 kiddos playing. She is really a great photographer. Check out her blog - The Spear Family Photos - the link is on the right. So, since I was such a slacker on Saturday, I had 3 loads of laundry to do, a house to clean and Jimmy mowed the lawn. After dinner, when it wasn't so blazing hot out, the kids rode their bikes on the sidewalk in front of our house before bath and bed time. So that's about it...nice and relaxing. Those weekends don't come along very often but when they do, I savor the heck out them!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Little Swimmer

My nephew Nicky is swimming competitively. I guess it's in his blood since my sister-in-law, Michelle, used to swim competitively. He made it into the Meet of Champions, which in order to even be invited, you have to beat a certain time. He came in third in his heat and 5th overall for his age bracket!
Way to go Nicky!!
His picture was featured in the North Little Rock paper today. We are so proud of him!!! My only wish is that we were close enough to cheer him on in person!!
Congrats, Nick! We Love You!

Girl's Weekend!

This past weekend, I attended my first ever Girl's Weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks. My friend Aimee, who I have known since college, invited me. We had a great time! Unfortunately, what happens at Girl's Weekend stays at Girl's Weekend so I am not allowed to disclose details! ;)

This was the first time ever that I have been away from the kids and Jimmy, aside from business trips. Everyone survived. Jimmy did a great job and the kids seemed to enjoy some Daddy bonding. Of course, when I got home, the kids were all over me. Olivia would not leave my side and wanted me to do everything. I love it. It was a nice break but I was glad to get back to my kiddos and husband and the daily grind. Everyone should have the chance to take a step back and take a breather. I really appreciate Aimee and all the girls inviting me and welcoming me with open arms. I had a blast!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Olivia!

Opening presents
New shirt
Stamper set
Olivia and Baby Alive
Yay - diapers for Baby Alive!
Opening presents
Brother wants to help!
Stamper set!

Today is Olivia's 4th Birthday. I can't believe my baby girl is 4 today. The time has gone so fast. I remember like it was yesterday being pregnant with her. My pregnancy with her was a little rough. Looking back, my pregnancy was an indication of the attitude my daughter was going to possess once she was born. She was breach. She stood for 9 months! I even went in to have a procedure done close to the end of my pregnancy to see if they could turn her around so she could be born vaginally. Nope!! The doctor would push her over but when he would let go, she would bounce right back up. So we decided on a cesarean. At 9:15 a.m., Olivia Mary Louise was born! She was perfect! She nursed right away. Alex was and is a great big brother to her!! The last 4 years have brought great joy to my life. Just seeing those big blue eyes light up brings me so much joy! She definitely has a big attitude for such a little girl but she definitely has a lot of love! She started preschool last November and all the teachers just love her. Olivia is a very independent, smart, funny, loving little girl. She knows what she wants and by God, she will do whatever it takes to get it. She seems to have a natural athletic ability too (takes after her Mom). I am definitely enjoying her while she is little but sometimes, I look at her and wonder what kind of girl and woman she will become. I hope I do my job right and guide her in the right direction. She definitely has roots and one day will get her wings. Right now, I am loving every minute of her childhood!!

On Sunday, we took her to Red Lobster for her birthday dinner. She loves crab legs and devoured it. After dinner, the waitress brought her a sundae with 4 candles on it. We sang her Happy Birthday and she blew all 4 candles out!! So proud!! We woke her up this morning singing to her. She got to open her presents too. We got her the big Baby Alive for her birthday. She talks and eats and goes potty. So we gave her an extra pack of diapers!! She got 2 new shirts and a pair of shorts, an Ariel chalk holder and 2 sets of Disney stampers. Today, she took a big iced cookie to Jane's to share with the kids. She couldn't wait to have all the kids sing to her!! Tonight is dance class so no party tonight but hopefully soon. I'll have to pick up some cupcakes so we can sing and she can blow out more candles. Hope she has a great day...I'll be thinking of her!

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!! We Love You!!!

Wedding in Kansas City!

Mom and Dad
Pam and Jim
Happy Anniversary!

Samantha and John kickin' it up!

Christine, Dad and Stevie

Brian and Drew

Dad goofing!

The Inman Sisters

Liz and Bryan

Dad and Liz

On Friday, my cousin Ryan got married. The wedding was in Kansas City. Mom, Dad, me, Liz and Bryan all rode up together. We chatted and had a pleasant trip. People in Kansas City think we (St. Louis) have confusing highways...we went in circles a few times when we finally made in into KC. During one of our circles, my Aunt Pam called and it turned out they were a mile behind us. So we met up and went for lunch before heading to the hotel. Since I was the bachelorette of the group, (Jimmy and the kids stayed home), I roomed with Mom and Dad. Stevie and Christine got to the hotel a little before time to head to the church. We all piled into my Yukon...thank me for having a big car! The wedding was real nice. Susie looked very beautiful and Ryan was handsome!! The reception was at the hotel where we were staying, which was really nice. Everything was lovely. The DJ fell a little short and didn't play a lot of songs we could dance to but when he did, all of us Inman's were out there booging it up! It was fun. Me, Liz, Aunts Cherie, Pam and Debbie and Uncle John partyed until 2:00 a.m. We headed out of town early and Dad said "no stops". When I got home, Jimmy and the kids were so excited to see me!! I love that!! Jimmy had a great time with the kids. They stayed up late watching movies. Maybe I should go out of town more often...nah! Anyway...

Congratulations to Ryan and Susie...may you have a happy life together!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Olivia's Dance Recital

Before class showing Auntie her ballerina moves!
Trying to do what Mrs. Rita is doing!
Tapping! She loves to tap!!
Taking her bow!

Last night was Olivia's dance recital. Her first. While it's not the typical dance recital with costumes, it was a recital to show what she learned the last 6 weeks. Guests are invited to come watch and Auntie was there, as always, to cheer her on!!

As I posted in other blogs, Olivia has had a hard time concentrating on class. After watching her last night, despite her age, she did really well. I was really proud of her! She did better than some of the 5 year olds. I got a little frustrated with her when she would zone out and lay on the floor but as my sister kept reminding me, she is only 4 years old. Mrs. Rita is a wonderful teacher. She is very patient with the girl's -- especially mine!! I think once Olivia goes back to school and gets back in the habit of listening to the teacher, she will do much better. We will sign her up again for the next session which starts next week. I bet by the next recital, we will even see a greater improvement. I can totally see her being a great dancer. She has that natural, athletic ability -- like her Mom!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth of July Weekend

We had a busy last 3 days. Sometimes I really hate being so busy. I am really a home body but these last 3 days were really pleasant...filled with family and friends! I love that!!

We started out with a family day at my parent's house! The theme was Mexican. We had so much food. Mom and Dad really outdid themselves. I wish I had a picture of how much food we had. I loved spending all day with my family. Such good times. One big accomplishment for me was finishing a quilt I started for my aunt and uncle in 2002. We used to have a HUGE 4th of July celebration every year at my aunt and uncle's house. It was one occassion outside of Christmas that I really looked forward to every year. My aunt and uncle always outdid themselves and everyone always had a blast. 2002 marked the last 4th of July celebration we would celebrate at their house because they sold their property. It was sad but times do change. So anyway, I got this brilliant idea to make her a quilt of American flags and have everyone at the party sign the back of the quilt. Part Thank you for the memories and part something commerative. I had the front all pieced together and had the fabric for everyone to sign on that would become part of the back. All I had to do was quilt it together and put on the binding. (Not my favorite things to do!) After the party, the quilt sat in my closet. I hate to say, it sat there for 6 years. I am the best at starting projects but the worst at completing them. When my mom said they were having everyone over for the 4th this year, I made it my mission, goal, whatever you want to call it, to complete this quilt. It was a little bittersweet in that a few signatures on the quilt are from those who have passed on. But I am so glad I got it completed and it turned out pretty good. Of course since I was playing single mom due to Jimmy working ALL DAY, I forgot to bring the camera over. I wanted to get a picture of my aunt and I holding the quilt. So, Friday ended with the kids wanting to see fireworks. We attempted to make it downtown to see them but I got lost and so the kids saw them as we were driving. Oh well.

Saturday was a loooong day. It started with me and my sister going to Lady Bug Beads to see if we could re-create a necklace she got that cost $82. She really liked it and wanted to get one for all the bridesmaids but at $82 a piece that is not possible. We had a great time at Lady Bug Beads. Everyone was so helpful. We made our first necklace and it turned out fabulous. Other than the original having a better clasp, you really couldn't tell a difference. I can't wait to complete the other 4. I think we may even attempt bracelets and earrings. I am so ambitious!! After 3.5 hours of jewelry making, (when I got home, Alex actually asked where I had been and what was I doing for the last 3.5 hours! I just laughed.), I went home and tried to get a little nap in before heading to our friends for a BBQ. Auntie and Bryan were taking the kids to Fair St. Louis so they were going to get to see the fireworks!! YaY!!! We went to Mike and Aimee's for a BBQ. It was a lot of fun. I had a great time!! Lots of laughs!!

Sunday, I attempted to find something to wear for my cousin's wedding this coming weekend but to no avail. Really bummed and disappointed in myself. Anyway, Aimee and Samantha called and invited us to go swimming at the Maplewood pool. Nothing like being disgusted because I can't find a dress and then going and putting a swimming suit on and going out in public. But I did it and we had a blast. Olivia was so tired, as we were heading home, she conked out before we even left their subdivision. Good times, good friends!!

So, this weekend was all about good times, making memories, wonderful family and friends. I am so blessed. I couldn't ask for more!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Olivia loves her Leapster! It's a little handheld educational device made from Leap Frog. We have had numerous Leap Frog products since Alex was little. We love them! They are educational and the kids love them!! Alex had a Leapster but during our move last year, the screen got cracked and you couldn't play all the games on it. Olivia still used it and claimed it as her own. When Grandpa heard about it, he happily obliged in getting her her own. She's had it for a year and it has held up really well. She loves to play with it and has been carting it around with us the last few days. She loves to color, as I have mentioned, and there is an art activity on it that she loves to play. The pictures are from last night. She curled up on the couch with her Leapster just playing away!! So awesome!! Just look at her concentration. Can you also see she is left-handed? I definitely recommend Leap Frog educational toys...take Olivia's word for it!!


Books! They are my passion!! I love to read!

Alex has 3 book reports to do this summer. He has to read educational books (not that all books aren't educational but he can't do them on the Grampa and Wiley series he loves so much). His first book was called Sign here, John Hancock. It was all guessed it...John Hancock and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. He really, really liked this book. He read it in a day. I was elated!! He even took the book with us when we went to Wal-Mart so he could keep reading. Awesome!! He is really interested in history. That is so cool. Especially since Jimmy and his soon-to-be Uncle Bryan love history. I'm not so good at history. I wish I was...especially when I watch the National Treasure movies. To be so educated and passionate about our history is just an awesome thing!!

We've been visiting the library that last couple of weeks to get the books Alex needs for his report. Olivia also likes picking out books. I think once she gets a grip on the letters, she will be off reading like I do. Check out the picture of her with the book. She asked me to take her picture while reading. So cute! I guess she watched me read all weekend that she thought it was cool. I read a book in a day in a half over this past weekend. It was James Patterson's new one. Those are pretty easy reads and it was a really good book. I hope I am setting a good example for my kids that you can learn all kinds of things from books. If I ever won the lottery, I would have a ball spending it in a bookstore!! I'd be like a kid in a candy store. Passion! I love books!!!

Buzz Cut



During Alex's baseball game on Saturday, he complained twice about how long his hair was and that he needed a haircut. Surprising since he wanted to keep it long. The problem was that he had to brush his hair every morning because it was sticking up all over. He would get knots because he just has sooo much hair. Anyway, he mentioned he wanted a buzz cut. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I don't like crew cuts. Would never think of giving my son a crew cut. But, my mind started wandering. Due to the high gas prices, we are trying to think of ways to cut back...well, I thought, maybe we could go buy a pair of clippers and do the hair cuts for the boys (Alex and Jimmy) at home. I could do it. No biggie. But could I really do it? Me, the freak about hair. See, my dad would not let me cut my hair when I was little. I had hair to my butt until I was in the 6th grade. Finally, he relented and I got the Farah Fawcett hair cut the day before 6th grade pictures. I have never been one to do anything drastic with my hair. I always play it safe. I even do the same for hair cuts with my kids. So, could I really do this? I dug deep and yep, I could do it. After all, I have to be seen with these two...I wouldn't make them look bad. So, Saturday night we ran to Wal-Mart and bought a pair of clippers. Jimmy wanted to do the hair cut but was working that night plus, I didn't trust him. This from the man who wants to go bald. I don't think so. Alex asked me to cut his hair the minute we got home. Ok, out came the directions. Seemed easy enough. We decided not to do a crew cut -- the same size all over but to do a buzz cut with 3 different sizes. All went off without a hitch. He likes it and I think I did a pretty good job for my first time using clippers and cutting hair. On Sunday, Jimmy saw Alex's results and decided it was good enough for him and that I could do his. What an honor!! ;) Jimmy indicated allowing me to cut his hair was sign of pure trust. So Jimmy got his buzz cut too.

I think this was a good investment! We also repeated over and over to Olivia that this was only for boys! We also put the clippers way up high on a shelf in the bathroom so little hands won't get to it. I can only imagine...